Thursday, September 16, 2010

I Knew You'd Ask

It's going to be a LONG week ahead for me. Thankfully, the second of several events between now and next Sunday has passed. The turn-out was rather good, considering it was the first time we put on this event. Anyway, it's over now. Phew! Next one tomorrow, then Monday (plus an exam on Monday), then Tuesday, then Wednesday, then GLMA Conference Thursday through Saturday. o_O

After the event tonight, Dr. P (who graciously volunteered) and I were chatting privately in the halls. And he asked: "So, are you gay?"

I had to laugh and said, "I knew you were going to ask that! You've always given me this look." Then I answered him something to the effect of that I'm bi but not quite sure. That took another moment to explain but I think he understood where I was coming from and was satisfied.

He's all excited about this Conference and I think he almost sees it (in some way) as a vacation of sorts that he's giving me. It's kind of amusing to hear a physician tell me to just enjoy it, have fun, and forget about coursework for a few days. Things will probably still linger in the back of my mind, but I will try my best. :-P

So yeah, I'm out to Dr. P now. Happy now?

Anyway, I'm freaking out less now. I think I've exhausted most of my "freaking out-ness."


Mike said...

YAY! Relax now!

Tel said...


Anonymous said...

maybe i am missing something here, but why did Dr. P even need to ask?
i mean you are running the lgbt club after all...

Biki Honko said...

Yay! One thing knocked down, only what......a million and three left? Have a good test, do great! And attempt to rest up for your big trip!

Aek said...

Mike: Relax? What's the meaning of this word?

Tel: Surprised?

Anonymous: Yes, well. The reasons are there.

Biki: Haha, rest up? I'm working all the way up to the moment I leave practically! Hopefully I'll get some sleep on the plane.