We move ever quicker through life; the older we get, the quicker time seems to flow. If we were to slow down, would we know what to do with ourselves? What have you missed and passed by through life? Did you even notice?
The things you might miss, what will you see when you look:
Yes, I'm glad I slowed down enough to see the hidden things before my eyes. I will miss this city. Chances are the next time I walk its streets, these scenes will be erased or replaced by others. All the more reason to value these snapshots in time.
There is so much good that we never take the time to see or appreciate. Thanks for reminding us.
WOW. It has been a year and you're off to med school. It is hard to believe!
Those are some cool pics. Lots of street art!!!
*is contemplative* :)
cool pics, aek.
Insert random joke about stereotyping Asians and pictures.
Anyway, those are really lovely works of art.
Art appreciation is a class at my school lol. I have no idea what it even *might* consist of. How do they give art appreciation exams? hehe.
I linked to your blog (and added you to msn :D)
thanks dfor th eview of your city
hope all is well, and you do slow down when you get older, it is better
take care and be safe
Naturgesetz: I don't want life to pass me by, so I'm slowing down while I can. God knows, once in med school, things will just whiz past.
Mike: Yeah, I know right?! I'm finally off to med school! ^_^
James, Zee: Thanks!
Jeremy: Aww, and I will read your blog (soon).
cvn70: I don't know . . . I feel like life speeds up super fast until you're quite middle-aged, then it starts slowing a bit.
I loved the fire hydrant and the "Kiss Don't Kill" :) Beautiful pictures.
And great blog!
ScaredTriumph!: Thanks! I like the fire hydrant too.
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