Anyway, plans have changed for tomorrow. I woke up this morning and remembered that tomorrow is my grandma's birthday. Since my grandparents are visiting us this summer, they're all coming out here to me to celebrate her birthday. I get to show her around campus and such, and they'll probably stay for lunch and dinner then return home (home is only an hour away, so not such a big deal).
This does, however, prevent my friend TR-M from visiting me tomorrow. Which is sad. This means no "coming out" moment tomorrow. Oh well. I called TR-M and we agreed that as soon as I got back from Chicago I would drop him a line so we could hang out. We have been friends since we were practically around 7-years-old. He needs to know. Only now it'll be later rather than sooner. If I possess nothing else, I possess a rather remarkable amount of patience.
Today I also said goodbye to SR-F. I'll be leaving for home this coming Thursday while she's going up north with her family on Tuesday. Since we're both busy tomorrow and Monday, today was our goodbye. We basically just walked around campus for about 2 hours, talking, and then we went to get bubble tea and popcorn chicken for perhaps the last time together. It's weird to think that I may never see her again . . . or any of my friends I said goodbye to, for that matter. It's kind of lonesome. ::inserts frowny face::
Who knows what the future brings. Things are always subject to change and we must take it all in stride. Perhaps years from now, twice my current lifetime thus far, I'll meet together with a friend. In the shifting futures of our lives, anything is possible.
On a completely different note (good idea to click to enlarge) . . .

I think this is a fairly accurate description. This comic never ceases to amuse me.
Aww, I am sorry that your plans didn't go through as you liked. Btw, that fume hood thing is funny. LOL.
That's okay, all was well. Although, something just struck me. I'm 22 now, if I go to public health I'll be 24 when I'm done. And if I go to med school after that, I'll be 28 when I'm done with that. Then there's residency, which could be 3 to 5+?? years. I'll be in my 30s before I actually start working . . .
I'm going to be so old . . .
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